I know I probably waited too long to do this, but I finally made a schedule for myself. I feel that having one will really help me get more things done at a quicker pace and have more time to fix/ change any minor details that might need correcting. Although I didn't specify what I want to do every single day, I set a date for when I want certain things to be completed by. For this upcoming week, I'm going to focus on filming, editing and starting to work on the film's website. The following week, I want to film any scenes that I have left/ any new ideas that I want to include within the trailers, finish editing, the website and work on the promotional poster. I'm hoping to have the majority of those tasks done by April 2nd so that I can dedicate the last week to any final changes/details and the Creative Critical Response.

On another note, I've also been writing out some of the dialogue that I want the character's to say, but i'm leaving it with flexibility because I really want the character's personalities to stand out and since each one of the actors has such a distinct personality I want to see where it could lead. At this point I only have drafts of what I would like them to say for certain shots, which were the ones on my storyboard in the previous post, but i'm working on a more solid script and I want to have it done by tomorrow so that I can start filming as soon as possible. Once I have it done, I promise to post it on here to give you all a sneak peak of what the dialogue will be like.
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