Hey everyone, I hope you're all having a fantastic Saturday night! Yesterday in my AICE Media class, all of the students were given the opportunity to get into groups and gather various thoughts on their ideas. At first we went around the table, in a group of 6, sharing our ideas, our progress, and each of our blogs. Stephanie and I shared our interest in the thriller genre and shared a solid story-line that we had. Well we thought it was pretty solid, until the group spoke up and gave us a few great ideas. Those ideas have had us thinking all weekend. We're still sticking to the whole unknown criminal idea, but there are so many different things that we can do with it that we have to put them all together to be able to finally start storyboarding. (I'll tell you guys our whole idea once its concrete)

Within that same group, one of the girls recommended that we watch
15 mistakes beginner filmmakers make so I did and got a lot out of it. When I searched for the video, a lot of them popped up so I'm not sure if I watched the same one that the girl recommended, but either way it was still very helpful. The video mentioned a variety of common mistakes like undercooked scripts, bad sound, bad casting choices, poor lighting and so much more. Although Stephanie and I haven't started filming yet, it's good for us to keep it in mind while storyboarding. We must make sure that along with every shot we want, we also know how we are going to incorporate the necessary elements. Some examples would be: figuring out how to light the shot accordingly, making sure we know what sounds we are going to need, and planning out how to grab the audience at the beginning.
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