Hey guys, so today Stephanie and I continued editing and finished putting all of the shots together! It didn't take us too long and gave us time to think about the last few details we're missing/ need to look over. We need to look over the sounds, both diegetic and non diegetic, finish the credits and place the title. I was also a bit scared that we wouldn't know where to place the credits, but I placed them throughout the opening and tried spacing them out equally. So far they look good, they're a bit far from each other, but there is one credit that needs to be in a specific place and if it's placed there the rest have to be spaced equally from it. The title... I was going to leave placing it for later, but I wanted to try and place it within the film to see how it looked. I tried placing it where we had originally thought, but it doesn't really look right. Even though we're still having trouble figuring out exactly when and where it should go, I feel pretty confident that we'll get it the next time we revise it.

Another thing I want to touch on are the characters' names. Throughout this whole process I didn't really specify what the characters would be called and that's because Stephanie and I hadn't really thought about it. Today while we were putting in the credits, we realized that we need to include more than two and needed names for all of them. So far we've only included:
Samuel Kelly as Chuck (Possibly the killer)
Sara Gonzalez as Sarah Gilmore (Protagonist's sister)
Stephanie Tamayo as Lilac Gilmore (Protagonist)
The name of the protagonist is still under consideration. Since the film's title is Lilac I feel like it might be too much to name the protagonist Lilac too. It could work depending on the way the rest of the movie unravels.
We've only got a few more days to go! We're wrapping it up!
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