Saturday, April 15, 2017

Almost time...

     Hey! I'm approaching the finish line and Thank God that i'm almost done. I have a few finishing touches left, but am almost done with it all. I started and pretty much finished the poster. This website, along with various movie posters, really helped me with the process of making the poster and which elements to include. The only thing i have yet to do is the CCR, but I should be finished with that by tonight. One of the things that I wanted to share was a few additions I made to my project. I added a Facebook, Instagram, and twitter which can all be accessed through the film's website.
     I also added a whole other element, which is the #Mysenioryear. The hashtag is going to serve as a way to get the audience involved with the film. It is going to allow them to tag the film, which would help promote it and it would also allow them to connect with other viewers by sharing a bit about what they have gone through on their senior year or they can also share how they let loose through all of the stress.

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